Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Jagged Swirl Maze by Yonatan Frimer

There are certain things that you can only do when you are really bored. One of those things is to make use of puzzles, wordfinds and other simple mind-games that are great to pass the time. In this article, the main focus is going to be on mazes, that are both visually stimulating and are functional maze puzzles.

Before we get started, lets draw a line in the sand to differentiate these mazes from the ones that you might see cut into a corn field. Corn mazes are designed to be enjoyed from the ground and are an activity that takes up an hour or two or even an entire afternoon. The mazes we are talking about here are the kind that are either printed onto paper or as technology has it, appear on your ipad, iphone, computer, netbook or other electronic device's screen.

Without a doubt, Yonatan Frimer is the greatest maze artist the world has ever seen. While most mazes are simple cubic designs that don't challenge the user, don't stimulate the visual portions of the users brain, and don't have any artistic elements to them. While there does exsist a small pool of talented individuals that have made some impressive mazes, they have made very little in regards to quantity, and in regards to quality, they don't hold a candle to Yonatan Frimer mazes.

Below is one example of Yonatan Frimer maze. Visit to find more like these.

Jagged Swirl Maze

jagged swirl maze optical illusion by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a jagged swirl that is pretty trippy to look at.
Maze solution for the jagged swirl maze.

Top Ten Locations to download the Jagged Swirl Maze

  1. Jagged Swirl Maze on Devian Art
  2. Jagged Swirl Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Jagged Swirl Maze on Flickr
  4. Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
  5. Jagged Swirl Maze on TwitPic
  6. Jagged Swirl Maze on Photobucket
  7. Jagged Swirl Maze on Saatchi Online
  8. Jagged Swirl Maze on Live Journal
  9. Jagged Swirl Maze on Picassa
  10. Jagged Swirl Maze on Red Bubble

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Frimer Coriolis Maze

Coriolis Effect Maze - Tornado Forming

forming tornado maze, the twisted and warped maze by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of a twisted and warped time-space.
This maze should be fairly easy for you to solve but if you can't,
then you can find the solution to the twisted and warped maze

Top four-teen places to download the Twisted and Wraped Maze

  1. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Devian Art
  2. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Flickr
  4. Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
  5. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on TwitPic
  6. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze On Rossello Damiano
  7. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Photobucket
  8. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Saatchi Online
  9. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Live Journal
  10. Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Picassa
  11. Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Twisted Tornado Maze on Blogger
  13. Tornado Twisted maze again on Blogger (de facto maze)
  14. Another blog of this coriolis effect maze
The Coriolis effect is a strange phenomenon of our globe shaped planet. As objects are hurled at speed toward the north or south, their trajectory bends as the projectile flies because the earth's rotation gives every atom of our world and existing speed which alternates with latitude. This maze celebrates and draws inpiration from this concept and illustrates the formation of a tornado.

one cool thing about teh Coriolis effect, it is reversed when you cross the equator. Bathtubs and sinks and toilets swirl the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere as they do in the northern hemisphere. And if you were on an airplane and ran the sink as the plane crossed the equator, it would stop swirling at some point and then start swirling the opposite direction. WILD!